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What’s new with social media with Brent Csutoras @ SMX West 2009, first of three parts

The following are notes from an SMX 2009 session. Notes are not intended as final copy.
Enjoy and please feel free to comment!

What’s new with social media

What’s changed and how to start marketing in them


  • When logged in, you select which groups you want to be in, front page determines your dashboard
  • Auto show you top 10 most popular Reddits at any given time
  • Track which are the top 10 on the front page and get into those categories
  • Cool feature: you can control your subdomain
  • Gadgets: pop subreddit, you can create your own and
  • Market your own reddit, will grow virally


  • Not much has changed or will change for a while
  • Recommend content, based on history, what you’ve voted on, friends voted on
  • Have to be profitable due to funding this year

With all social sites right now, harder for people to get by with weak tactics, spamming and not knowing what you’re doing. They will ban domains and users, not something to throw at an intern.

Can’t get yourself killed in the space even before it get to full potential


  • Whole new system based on content with categories, recommended stories, have a popup toolbar
  • Gives content related upon other
  • Pay attention more to tags and how to get noticed
  • Look for Beta group and can see new stuff
  • Can be great jump-off to get into digg and reddit

StumbleUpon partner program: can’t use it unless corporate: lots of traffic exposure
May eventually open up to everyone


Will feature third-party sites, only featuring high-level sites right now

Polish social media site: lead to referrals on digg
If have language abilities, look to those foreign social media site to build traffic

About Suzanne McDonald

Former Boston Globe journalist, New Media Education Expert, founder of Designated Editor: Teaching individuals, educators & companies how to create influential interactions & eliminate social media insanity.

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