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Social Media Strategy

Social Media Strategy Packages quell the echo chambers

There’s an overriding assumption floating around the marketing world: Once you add little social-sharing icons, you’re good to go. People will just comment and share away. Sometimes there’ll be an icon but no connecting profile even.


Perhaps that worked even a couple years ago, but social media has matured to the point that much low-hanging fruit has been picked. Gladly, from our perspective! That level of social media, to us, is rather boring. When we think social media, we think ecosystems, not just networks and platforms. We think interplay, influencer engagement – and not just sending a “mommy” blogger (a faux pas these days) some trinket she wouldn’t give her child or eat anyway.


What goes into a fixed-fee Social Media Package

 First, ensure your channels aren’t crossed: website has clear conversion goals, what do you want visitors to do?
Then determine who is your target audience, or best audiences, influencers, brand advocates.
  Evaluating which channels are most appropriate for your brand; we do not advocate being everywhere.
  Prioritizing opportunities based on your budget, bandwidth, and of course, goals.
  Finally, together we decide which platforms are most likely to provide optimal ROI: Facebook vs Google+ vs email.


Brands must consider what’s worth sharing, from a customer perspective. Designated Editor focuses on understanding your customers and would-be or should-be customers. Who are they and what interests them beyond your product offerings.


This is Designated Editor’s secret sauce and why we’ve worked with the same clients for years.


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