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Social Media steps to boost Search Engine Optimization

As Google and Bing stare down social media threats, these search engines are taking steps to retain relevancy for searchers. Algorithm changes like “real-time” search will increasingly include social media activity — helping to recognize experts — and can be used to build links as well.

Here’s a few Social Media steps, advice from  Josh Ziering owner of Full Speed SEO at Affiliate Summit East 2010, that can help boost your to boost Search Engine Optimization (laypeople term: Google rankings).


  • Make profile look authoritative
  • Keep following/follower ratio so you look authoritative
  • Utilize hashtags all the time, make them really general

Other platforms

  • Set up Google profile
  • YouTube
  • Yahoo Answers
  • UrbanSpoon, Yelp


  • Make links public, everything else private
  • Create business page

You can also follow Josh on Twitter @JoshuaZiering

About Suzanne McDonald

Former Boston Globe journalist, New Media Education Expert, founder of Designated Editor: Teaching individuals, educators & companies how to create influential interactions & eliminate social media insanity.

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