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3 steps to connecting nonprofits & donors via social media

Social media can bring nonprofits and those who care about their causes closer together. But How?

Tips from “Social Media for Social Good” by David Wells of Socialize Your Cause at Podcamp 5 Boston

By Alexandra Smith

What can nonprofits do to promote their causes through social media?

  1. Optimize online search: Have a blog and make it easy for current information to be found and shared
  2. Enable supporters: Have a Facebook fan page and interact with followers, tell them what’s happening
  3. Find other organizations with similar missions: Join forces by sharing information online

And don’t forget to “clean house” – Keep your website updated and usable.

What can donors do for causes they care about via social media?

  1. Find a new cause you care about.
  2. Donate money online.
  3. Publicize your dedication to the cause to your networks.

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Coming up next: 8 social media trends every non profit needs to know about
About Suzanne McDonald

Former Boston Globe journalist, New Media Education Expert, founder of Designated Editor: Teaching individuals, educators & companies how to create influential interactions & eliminate social media insanity.


  1. @DavidWells Just posted some highlights from your PodCamp talk, pls let us know if we blooped at all

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