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“Painless Networking” with International Association of Business Communicators

Disclaimer: These are notes, designed to refresh attendees’ memories or to give an idea of what you missed.
This is not representative of final copy.

An easy group to network with, fantastic apps (thanks Lauren for asking about food allergies), and a list of attendees handed out at the door. Jodi makes etiquette fun (she’s quick with the wit) and engaging, not preachy or stuffy.

Description from the website

“Whether you are new to networking or an experienced pro who justneeds a refresher, come learn how to handle business situations fromconferences to cocktail parties with poise and confidence as Jodi R. R.Smith of Mannersmith Etiquette Consulting shares her expertise.

“This is an interactive program designed to be both educational andentertaining. You will have the opportunity to practice what you learnduring the program. Jodi will cover the following topics:

  • What to know before you go
  • Nametags: Where they go and why
  • Handshakes: Lessons from Goldilocks
  • Introductions: What they say about you
  • Body language: What you are really saying
  • Conversation: Business versus social
  • Connecting with clients and customers
  • Building business relationships”


Etiquette: Having confidence in yourself and making those around you comfortable

A little bit of polish can go a long way: Confidence, making others feel at ease helps when clients are deciding between too competent consultants.

Present the best you possible

Name tags: wear on your right side, the eye follows up your arm and avoids scanning


  • It takes just 5-7 seconds to make good first impression: Visual imprint, body language, tone of voice
  • 14 positive interactions to overcome negative impression

Snippet starter, use when introducing self
You can control what you’ll be talking about by preparing a snippet. You can build a connection between your name and something you want to talk about.

  • Small piece of info about self that forces other person to ask a ?
  • Always try to be in 1 on 1 when networking
  • Get the other person to be in an active role rather than glaze over

5-8 minutes per convo at any stand-up event, always leave on a high, longer you talk the more likely you say something boring, leave them hanging and wanting more

Follow-up with any hot leads 2-3 biz days, warm leads 2-3 weeks

Unless they specifically say call me: don’t call

Write a note, not an email. Really short: was pleasure to meet you at the conf yesterday, enjoyed our convo about xx, would enjoy speaking more about.

Call 2 days after they received it; ask to meet for cup of coffee

Meeting them isn’t really networking, it’s all in the follow-up

About Suzanne McDonald

Former Boston Globe journalist, New Media Education Expert, founder of Designated Editor: Teaching individuals, educators & companies how to create influential interactions & eliminate social media insanity.


  1. Pat Masterson says:

    I, too, was at the “Painless Networking” Workshop, and it was great. A couple of funny, practical ideas for sweaty hands: use anti-perspirant hand lotion (who knew) or have a wick-away small towel on hand. One other note, that doesn’t always occur this way, the higher ranking person is supposed to initiate the handshake.

  2. Great synopsis of the event, Suzanne. It was great to have met you there, and it sounds as though your experience mirrored my own enjoyment of the learning process. How refreshing to be entertained, get fed, make new contacts, and walk away with newly practiced skills! Jodi did an amazing job and is definitely one of the best presenters we’ve had in the chapter.

    Tom Roux
    IABC | Yankee Chapter President ’08-’09

  3. Rochelle Sevier says:

    I thought the workshop was a great primer for those new to networking. Suzanne did a great job summarizing the information that was presented. Jodi was effective in conveying her message of network etiquette.

  4. Thanks for taking the time to post such a detailed and informative article. It has given me a lot of inspiration and I look forward to more like this in the future.

  5. Suzanne of Designated Editor says:

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