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“Desire plus danger equals drama” Jonathan Kranz shows how you can have a superb eBook too

Wondering exactly what you need to do to demonstrate your abilities — or those of your company or organization? You’ve digested all the Kool-Aid about educating prospects and consumers, not selling to them. Great, but now what?

eBook guru Jonathan Kranz bails you out with his new eBook eBook.

Basically, he kits you out with all the skills you need in today’s new marketing expeditions FOR FREE!

So, if you’re still pumping traditional sales and marketing messaging, take a quick read (really) through Kranz’s eBook eBook. This guide leads you from the abyss of ignorance into the light of successful information-based campaigns that today’s decision-makers respond to.

It’s an absolutely free (no registration even) download @

About Suzanne McDonald

Former Boston Globe journalist, New Media Education Expert, founder of Designated Editor: Teaching individuals, educators & companies how to create influential interactions & eliminate social media insanity.


  1. Thank you, Suzanne! You’re right — my intention is to fill in the gap: we all know we’re SUPPOSED to do content/pull/inbound marketing — in theory. But how do we succeed in PRACTICE? That’s why I wrote The eBook eBook. I’ll have other practical/tactical guides coming in the near future…

  2. Suzanne of Designated Editor says:

    Hi Jonathan,

    Please keep us posted on your upcoming eBooks … easy reading with lots of action items.

    BTW if you haven’t seen it, Vampire Colleagues Who Suck video made me laugh, LOL no less!

  3. my intention is to fill in the gap: we all know we’re SUPPOSED to do content/pull/inbound marketing — in theory

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