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Stemming from a recent comment on the post: “Blog and content strategies with Stephen Turcotte of Backbone Media at the Boston SEO Meetup”

Perhaps it’s not who should be creating businesses’ web content, but is it the right person or team?

Please participate in Designated Editor’s survey on successful company blogs.

Stemming from a recent comment on the post: “Blog and content strategies with Stephen Turcotte of Backbone Media at the Boston SEO Meetup”

Comment: seo wrote:
Thanks for sharing your notes here. The thing is, a “company blog” for
a larger company is very different than a blog from a small business
owner. The company bog hires someone to write regular entries who
considers it a job, and their heart isn’t in it. A small entrepreneur
is writing what they live everyday – their company, their baby. Much
different animal, and different rules have to apply.

Suzanne of Designated Editor wrote:
and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. As with anything, I’d say
it depends. I agree with you: It’s probably not reasonable to expect
passion from a far-flung, minimally paid writer. Perhaps posts like
that are the new keyword-stuffing? Shoveling out content that’s
relevant but not especially useful.

On the other hand, there are key factors, to successful company blogs:

  1. The employee’s passion
  2. The corporate culture.

You might be interested in my Southwest
Airlines post “Scattered by thousands of miles, but online we can be
right next to each other” Employee Engagement & Social Media on a
Low-Fare Budget -Southwest Airlines’ Millie Richter

Meanwhile, Designated Editor creates content for many entrepreneurs, small businesses, and some larger companies.

What we find: The business owner or the marketing team faces a variety of challenges:

  • Limited time/staffing, busy working on other things
  • Writers’ block
  • Unable to transition from “sales” communication to information-based that users expect for online content
  • Can’t create enough content quickly enough to fulfill SEO or other campaigns

Designated Editor as a small business provides a great deal of insight
to the passion that enlivens corporate blogs. Like a great actor vs a B
actor, we’re able to transfer that experience and “heart” to our
clients’ online presence.

SXSW posts forthcoming!

About Suzanne McDonald

Former Boston Globe journalist, New Media Education Expert, founder of Designated Editor: Teaching individuals, educators & companies how to create influential interactions & eliminate social media insanity.


  1. Companies will have blogs to keep more contact with their customers and the public. This enables the customers to know more about the company. The blogs of large organizations will be very different from small organizations. Large companies usually appoint people to write regularly in their blog. But a small firm cannot afford this. They write about their daily happenings in the blog. It does not require the help of a person; they can do it by themselves.

  2. A metaphor is like a simile.

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