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B2B Fast-Track to New Media Success by Designated Editor

It’s true: Most new media successes stem from B2C. And so many B2Bs seem lost. Designated Editor’s Suzanne McDonald offered a fast-track for B2Bs in this presentation, requested by Swissnex Boston and hosted by the Cambridge Innovation Center.

B2Bs & social media: Where we’re at

“Ninety-two percent of prospects almost never book a meeting from a cold call or email.  In 2012, rather than make cold calls, sales executives will first seek connections through social media networks, and then increase response rates with warm introductions.” –  UNC’s Kenan-Flagler School of Business, reported by Mashable.

Social Media Reality-check

AdAge recently reported:

“Although few CMOs will admit this, social media costs less to execute on a per-impression basis than TV, print, and radio. But the organizational cost – both the number of people needed to execute these programs and the changes to corporate culture – can be significant.”

Stage 1: Get your website together

Key components: WordPress, themes, usability & identifying with your audience

Tools: Keywords (Google Keyword tool) and use them in the right places (titles, meta & content)

Remember: Search is increasingly becoming more about social  (Google Alerts)

Stage 2: Blog & email

Key components: Blogs enable you to demonstrate thought-leadership, brand personality; brand all of your experts as experts, not just the CEO

Tools:  Editorial Calendars should include trade shows, industry news, client questions, processes; make it multimedia; leverage blog to feed email

Remember: B2B = P2P -> people want to interact with other humans, blogs & social make it possible, changing the way businesses interact forever

Stage 3: Social integration: Optimize profiles & content for you & team

Key components: Reserve brand profiles across platforms, determine which social platforms make sense, based on your audience

Tools:  LinkedIn use verify leads, connect, community; Twitter enables fast engagement, use hashtags, SlideShare = decision-makers; YouTube #2 search engine; Wikis, PitchEngine/HARO, Zemanta, Podcasts, Meetup, Facebook, Pinterest, Quora, Google+ (too many to bold)

Remember: You don’t have to be everywhere, so focus on your audiences and where they are

Stage 4: Measure & refine

Key components: Know what’s working & what’s not: Refine & adjust

Tools: Facebook Insights,, Klout, Google Analytics

Remember: You won’t know until you try & each brand is unique (or should be), so there’s no 1 size fits all

Designated Editor is working on “B2B New Media Success Guide” eBook & would love to feature your tips. Please share in the comments & be sure to comment on anything we’ve overlooked.

Many thanks to Swissnex Boston and the Cambridge Innovation Center, looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Here’s to helping B2Bs succeed via new media!

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Designated Editor CEO Suzanne McDonald featured on CEO Coach

Secrets to a Successful Transition with Designated Editor’s founder & CEO Suzanne McDonald featured on WebmasterRadio.FM’s CEO Coach with Gillian Muessig

Catch the interview here.

CEO Coach Gillian Muessig of SEOMoz and Suzanne McDonald of Designated Editor

CEO Coach Gillian Muessig of SEOmoz and Suzanne McDonald of Designated Editor. Photo by Dan Shure of Evolving SEO.

At the 2012 SES New York (Search Engine Strategies) conference, Suzanne wanted to thank Gillian for the valuable advice she shares each week on her WebmasterRadio.FM show “CEO Coach.” Sometimes Gillian takes on the mike solo to discuss how to pitch investors (all the way down to the nitty-gritty of what to wear and how women need to be aware of their tone and pitch).

Other weeks, Gillian interviews CEOs from other companies to uncover how they launched and why they’re successful.

At SESNY, after chatting for a few minutes about Designated Editor, Gillian said: “Wait, we need the mic.”

Gillian told Suzanne: “I promised myself that when my company was successful, I would give back and share what I know to help others.”

And that she does, asking questions, pointing out how you can replicate what Designated Editor has done to become an established and successful company.

How does Suzanne keep up with everything clients need to know to leverage the web & social media?

Conferences, blogs & many, many podcasts.

But not all podcasts are worthwhile in today’s time-starved society. If you follow Suzanne on Twitter, you may already know about her favorite podcasts:

For followers who aren’t familiar with SEOmoz, CEO and co-founder Rand Fishkin is arguably the most recognized and respected authority in the industry.

“SEOmoz is the most popular provider of SEO software. Our easy to use tools and tutorials make search engine optimization accessible.”

Launched in 2004, SEOmoz initially offered SEO consulting to businesses. An entrepreneur and business owner since 1981, Gillian recognized the future of marketing was on the web. And her son, Rand Fishkin is its leading technologist. In layman’s terms: SEOmoz offers tools to get to the top of Google.

SEOmoz now focuses exclusively on creating SEO software and tools that anyone can use to help navigate the wily world of search marketing. There’s a freemium model as well as a pro plan.

SEOMoz also has “the Internet’s most vibrant SEO community with over 250,000 members willing to discuss and share the latest news about what works and what doesn’t.”

Now founding CEO, Gillian speaks around the world and hosts CEO Coach, giving back to Suzanne and so many listeners, each week. Thanks for all your hard work and enthusiasm, Gillian!

Designated Editor founder Suzanne McDonald offered these key takeaways in her ‘CEO Coach’ interview

  • Don’t forget online and offline interactions are intertwined: Social media only goes so far.
  • Conferences and networking events are ideal ways to grow your network and your knowledge base.
  • Websites age in dog years; it’s not long until visitors think your site was developed by a Nigerian prince.
  • Set goals and try not to get frustrated if things take longer than you’d like.
  • It doesn’t mean your efforts aren’t working, everything takes time, especially in this economy.
  • Social media is about people: You have to offer them value and a reason to care about you.

For more tips and how to actually get it all done, sign up for Designated Editor’s newsletter.