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Archives for September 2010

Social media: Are you snapped up? Why you should be and maybe why you shouldn’t

Social media panel for the American Society of Media Photographers, New England Chapter

I’m thrilled to be one of tonight’s panel of thought leaders — how can professional photographers, members of American Society of Media Photographers benefit from Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Preparing for tonight’s panel got me thinking. Like much of today’s social media entrants, this group is primarily B2B, making social media seem more of a stretch and seem beyond reach of limited resources. Who’s not in this boat these days?

Times have indeed changed, however. The social media trails have been blazed, big brands like Southwest Airlines have paved the way. Of course, most photographers — and nearly everyone else — don’t have Pepsi’s or Southwest’s budget. But with some skill and strategy, you can chart your own course to social media success.

Social media considerations for embarking or re-engaging

If you’re marketing your business at all, online or off, you should be amping up your social media Why?

  • Social media can accomplish both getting noticed and getting ranked.
  • Social media will soon be overtaking SEO or search engine optimization.

As I’ve suggested before, your marketing efforts and budget may be better invested in content and engagement than a full-blown SEO campaign. Not saying keywords and knowledge aren’t important, but differentiation and quality go a long way for most B2Bs. Ultimately, for most B2Bs it’s a matter of how to spread limited funds, and not all firms or consultants recognize that.

Social media starters that save time & effort

  1. Look at time spent that’s not well-invested: Are you cold-calling? Email blasts that more annoying than effective?
  2. Take some ill-invested time & first do some research. Where’s your target audience assembled? What terms do they use?
  3. Choose the platform where most of your target audience gathers & get to know them = learn about them as individuals.
  4. Above all, don’t think of it as another way to “market” your business.

Social media? Really? But what if my heart isn’t in it?

OK in this case, you’re a photographer. What would you rather be doing, car sales?

Every photographer I know has put forth significant effort to make a living doing what you love. It’s not insurance, so stop stammering and start expressing yourself and your business. Ultimately, that’s what social media is really about! You do it for clients. Perhaps you simply need perspective to overcome your myopia. Talking to current clients, attending events such as tonight’s panel can prove a wise investment that will save you time and effort and make it less scary.

Update: Mentioned at last night’s event

Free tools to investigate and implement social media strategy, presented by Suzanne McDonald of Designated Editor, to the National Association of Professional Women Providence meeting

Quick WordPress tips with Amanda Blum at WordPress Providence Meetup’s 101 training day

WordPress tips & such from Amanda Blum brought to you by WordPress Providence Meetup. This free class was sold-out within days, Twitter hashtag = #WPPVD.

WordPress 101 tips

  • Pages = static
  • Categories = topics
  • Tags = subcategories or micro-categories
  • Callouts and quoteboxes add fun graphic elements within the WYSIWYG window
  • To limit the  of posts that are shown at once, go to ->Reading settings “blog pages show at most”

Links and media

  • Host video on YoutTube and pull into your blog  –> also good for SEO since YouTube is #2 search engine
  • When setting up links in WordPress, ignore “class” dropdown
  • Go to to have a photo associated with your email and thus your comments & it’s free
  • “Sharing settings” in wordpress 3.0 enables for socialmedia sharing
  • Links in sidebar can include images, very underutilized

Comments & moderating

  • Privacy settings, pick first option for “site visibility” to be found by search engines
  • In Google search “bad word list” to include on comment blacklist
  • Use “discussion settings” to help moderate and discourage spam
  • RSS feeds save time, don’t have to log into sites, just have them come to you
  • Links in sidebar can include images, very underutilized