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Search marketing tools and tips from Google – Search Engine Marketing New England

  • More dynamic and measurable than traditional marketing methods, search marketing tools can quickly and inexpensively answer questions on how to effectively market to your target audience.

Using smart search practices, you can target appropriate audiences, communicate and share insights, and gain measurable results.

Jordan Rost, agency lead at Google, provided Search Engine Marketing New England attendees valuable skills and tools on how search tools can inform key marketing decisions.

Search marketing tools

Google Correlate


  • “It’s not too late to be early on mobile”
  • Use Google Analytics to detect platforms people are using when accessing your site

YouTube Insight Tool

  • Shows how make video more measurable and drive engagement
  • Guides users to making video more actionable


  • Look at your sector first, rather than specifics: The McRib vs Whopper
  • Look at bigger now versus last year, or compared to competitors

A work in progress

  • Search is constantly evolving
  • Google is in the process of re-branding tools to make them clearer and more usable
  • Within the next few months, search tools such as these will be further streamlined and will become even more crucial

Search marketing tools are inexpensive, relatively easy, and great for marketing strategies. Invest some time and energy into utilizing search to enhance your campaign.

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Thanks for your tweets @jillwhalen, @McRibWatch, @Linztm, @katiehoke, @dan_shure, @ReikiArthur, @davematson

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