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Boost Rankings by Optimizing Your Website Speed | SEMNE

A fast website makes users feel empowered; a slow website is simply agonizing. In a time-poor society, users and consumers want  to use fast, responsive sites. As website owners team up with developers to prioritize strategy, speed is consistently the most important factor. At a recent Search Engine Marketing New England event, Jonathan Hochman made the case for website speed optimization and how you can boost it for your site.

What every website owner should know about speed

  • If your site is penalized 100% of the time you will be notified in Google Webmaster tools.
  • Amazon reports that .1 of a second in load speed causes 1% loss in sales.
  • Browsers only run between 2 and 5 simultaneous requests (for images and data etc.)

Be selective when choosing hosting

  • It’s OK to complain if your site isn’t loading fast enough! The worst possible hosting is your own IT department.
  • Users recommend BostonComputing and TigerTech because they are good for WordPress and offer quality support.
  • Mediatemple and RackSpace also good hosting choices, but they are a bit more expensive.
  • Double your WordPress speed with W3 Total cache plugin. This tool allows you to turn on page caching and minification, which can double the page speed
  • Don’t self-host video, embed from Wistia for better quality and analytics. It’s not free, but can learn more and is compatible.

What affects website speed?

  • The number of lines of code (although this matters less than other factors)
  • Ad scripts being served from Google Adsense servers
  • Page size
  • Flash video player from YouTube
  • Images from Blogger Photos and other sites

 What is a CSS Sprite?

  • An image sprite is a collection of images put into a single image. A web page with many images can take a long time to load and generates multiple server requests. Using image sprites will reduce the number of server requests and save bandwidth
  • Those looking to hire a developer should hire those who know CSS Sprites. Experts say developers should absolutely know sprites – should be standard nowadays.

Quick fixes help and code tactics count

High-impact, easy-to-use tools

  • Use content delivery network Cloudflare (free) to speed up your website’s load time! Users says comment spam and site scraping will be reduced.
  • Linux servers are faster than Windows. There may be a correlation to self-hosting and Windows
  • Measure website speed with Pingdom tools (you want 1.5 seconds or less). Users say it has great data speed when tested correctly.
  • Yoast works especially well with WordPress. This tools helps users optimize speed with the help of a plugin developer.

Special thanks to insight from SEMNE friends @seangw and @fairminder!

Make your website SHINE with Suzanne McDonald, a Spark and Hustle presentation

By Julie Woodside

It’s time to have your website break through the clouds of the millions of websites on the Internet and SHINE. Eliminate guessing: Today’s websites should be driving key business decisions.

Drawing on her newsroom experience at The Boston Globe and her current online marketing practice, Designated Editor’s President and Chief Content Strategist Suzanne McDonald shares her insights on website creation at the Spark & Hustle conference in Boston.

Suzanne provides valuable knowledge that will get your website to stand out and truly SHINE!

The web is 16 years old: Websites are more sophisticated now

  • You have 3-5 seconds to engage when someone lands on your page.
  • Websites aren’t just about a pretty picture anymore.
  • Your website should always be a work in progress.

Get serious about your website

  • Your website should be a key data point that will drive business decisions.
  • Using free or low-cost tools, you don’t have to guess anymore about what’s working.
  • Your site should reflect your passion  & the value you bring to your customers’ lives.

Focus on

  • Words
  • Meaning
  • Engagement

Websites: 4 key areas to address


  • No clutter: Make it navigable
  • Websites age in dog years
  • Usability + simplicity: Clear with call to action
  • Don’t fall in love with pretty art
  • Low-cost tools:  Theme Forest, WordPress, 99 Designs



  • Speak to specific people: Replace they/customer with who/what that person really is, eg full-time mom
  • How do you relate?
  • Integrate social media with your website: need a cohesive look
  • Listen & learn to what your target audience is saying & adapt strategy from there
  • How can you add credibility? Media mentions? Reviews? Google Checkout
  • Low-cost tools:, HootSuite, Radian6, Social Mention, Facebook, MailChimp, Twitter, Yelp


  • Check your fear
  • Look at your competitors for insights
  • Heed criticism & learn to love it
  • Give yourself time to think & be creative
  • Ask your customers for feedback always
  • Sometimes have to throw out old site and start fresh, no matter how much you spent on it
  • Low-cost tools:  Feedback Army, FiveSecondTest,

Competing with over 180 million websites on the World Wide Web can seem as depressing as a cloudy day.  But, if you use these wise tips from pro, Suzanne McDonald, your website will be like the sun breaking through the clouds.

Shine on…